Change Your Motive for Writing Nonfiction | Kindle Me This

I have read one too many Kindle writing “experts” use money as the main motive for writing nonfiction. While I agree that nonfiction books published on Kindle can earn you a good amount of money, putting money as the main …


I believe if you actually enjoy publishing books – for the sake of putting some problem-solving non-fiction information out there – then it is a lot easier to make money. Great article…

Advice For Marketing Your Book

Great advice in this column on Forbes. Especially, 

Be wary of “marketing consultants” who offer to help you market your book for a fee.

And I like the article writer’s (Brett Arends’) tag line: “I blog about how to succeed in business without really trying”

How To Market Your New Book – Forbes

How To Market Your New BookForbesYou’ve written your book – and now you want to sell it. What should you do? Marketing a book is supposed to be the hardest part of self-publishing. Services like and Amazon’s Createspace mean it’s never been …

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Big boost to make book publishing as easy as falling off a blog – ArtsHub (subscription)

Big boost to make book publishing as easy as falling off a blog ArtsHub (subscription) Tablo’s self-publishing platform connects writers with other authors and readers via any web browser or mobile device to help the authors build a following for…


Publishing will get easier. But at present, even people who are pretty savvy with technology can still struggle getting their book published…

‘A lot of people think, because publishing has gone digital, that it’s simple. It’s still incredibly complicated and expensive though, and it’s even harder for an author to have their work discovered.’”